When it comes to health check, triglyceride test is important, especially if you are a high cholesterol person. However, for most people, a weighing scale works just fine to get a quick feel of the health. What would be a “weighing scale” for innovativeness of an organization? Can we have something simple and yet representative of innovation health? In the table above I have tried to present a simple dashboard. I find this useful while working with my customers as well as while studying evolution of innovative organizations like 3M,
· Pipeline: This is an indicator whether idea funnel is getting filled regularly. A lead indicator would be the number of ideas generated last few months. A lag indicator would be the number of ideas entered the funnel in the past 2-3 years. “idea per person per year”, a parameter
· Participation: This parameter tells us where the ideas are coming from. The more people and the more types of people (customer, partners) contribute the better.
· Prototypes: What happens to the ideas after they are generated? Do they remain as just ideas or move forward as experiments? This parameter represents the experimentation capacity of the organization. For a leading captive center in
· Portfolio: Are all your ideas incremental? Or on the flip side, are all your ideas potential sixers? Every organization needs to balance between risk and rewards. You need a number of incremental ideas that are low-risk, you also need a few ideas that are potentially your “iPod” or “iPad” category. A portfolio also needs to be assessed for potential hazards. For example, patent infringements (TVS-Bajaj battle) or possible product recall (recent
This is a great article, however I am keen to learn what kind of lagging indicators could be used for each parameters?