Imagine a company that operates 10,000 convenient stores
of which 8,000 are named QwikMart and 2,000 are named FastMart. It is observed
that the average revenue per store is $1 million for QwikMart and $1.1 million
for FastMart. Will the company benefit by renaming all QwikMarts to FastMarts?
One way to answer such a strategic question is to build an analytical model of
a typical convenient store with several variables including the name of the
store as one. And then perform the analysis under different scenarios. An
alternate method is to actually rename a few dozen randomly chosen QwikMart
stores and test the revenue impact against another randomly chosen QwikMart
stores whose name is not changed. Author Jim Manzi argues in “Uncontrolled:
The surprising payoff of trial-and-error for business, politics and society”
that our current methods carry a huge bias for the former (analysis) and can
benefit from doing more of the latter (experimentation).
Causal density – key challenge: Experimentation hasn’t been
a popular method in social sciences especially if you contrast it with
correlation analysis. A classic example is presented in the bestseller Freakonomics
where the authors argue that a significant fraction of US crime reduction can
be linked to legalization of abortions in 1970s. The research involved rigorous
correlation analysis. However, in subsequent analysis two Federal Reserve economists
found a bug in the software model and with a small change in assumptions the
result shows no correlation between abortion legalization and crime reduction. Back-and-forth
has continued without any conclusive result.
Building analytical models in social setting where
behaviours are involved has a significant challenge. The causal density of a social
setting is very high compared to physics laws applied to large objects. That
means the number of variables that can impact the observed outcome can be very
large, very difficult to find out and hence building a reliable analytical
model is difficult. If finding all the causes is too cumbersome, why not
experiment and find out? That is the view Jim Manzi presents at least for those
situations where experimentation is practical.
Experimentation and business strategy: In
my earlier articles, I have observed that Strategy gurus like Michael Porter
and Richard Rumelt don’t emphasize experimentation. They present analytical
models through which you decipher the internal and external context and create
a game-plan as an outcome. And then you implement it. It has been over a
quarter of a century since Rumelt-Henderson-Porter started publishing frameworks.
It hasn’t worked predictably. It is time
managers consider experimentation as a complementary method to successful
strategy building. Note that Manzi is not denying the role of Porter-style analytical
models in creating hypothesis. He is suggesting that it is worth checking if we
can test the crucial assumptions behind the strategy at low-cost quickly. And
do those experiments whenever possible.
A throwaway prototype of what later became AdSense was built
overnight at Google. Within a week hundred Googlers experienced and assessed
the usefulness of content targeted ads. This
eventually led to creating a successful monetization model for Google. Google today
performs tens of thousands of experiments on search algorithm alone every year.
Experimental revolution in business: Manzi cites companies like
Capital One which has turned business into a scientific laboratory. Every
decision about product design, marketing, channels of communication, credit
lines, customer selection, collection policies and cross-selling could be
subjected to systematic testing using thousands of experiments. In fact, Manzi’s
own company Applied Predictive Technologies is helping 30 to 40 percent of
largest retailers, hotel chains, restaurant chains and retail banks in America
perform repeated standardized tests on its platform.
Whether experimentation really becomes a revolution worldwide
is to be seen. However, if you want to understand how experimentation is
pushing the boundaries in social sciences, Uncontrolled is an excellent place
to start.
Note: I am thankful to Prof.
Stefan Thomke of Harvard Business School for suggesting this book to me. Thomke himself is an
authority on experimentation and has written an excellent book – “Experimentation
matters: Unlocking the potential of new technologies for innovation”.