Edgar Schein’s book “Process consulting”
was published in the year I was born – 1969. Since then he has been refining
the concept over the past five decades. I have found the concept very helpful in
my consulting career. In fact, I have read all of Schein’s subsequent books in
“processing consulting” series – Process consultation revisited (1999), Helping
(2009) and Humble Inquiry (2013). The latest entry from this series is “Humbleconsulting: How to provide real help faster” published by Berret-Koehler
Publishers (2016). Here are 3 of my take-aways from “Humble consulting”.
Humble questions may
result in big impact: One of the key points Schein drives here is that
carrying a humble attitude (being curious) towards the client is important in
the helping process. And even a simple humble inquiry may lead to a big impact
for the client. Here is an example Schein gives from his personal experience. Schein
was having lunch with the CEO and his executive team of Alcoa Australia. The
CEO pointed out that the VP Administration is retiring and proposed if Steve
could be his replacement. VP Finance, VP Operations and a few others said that they
were not comfortable with Steve as VP Admin but they were not able to point out
the exact issue. At this point, Schein intervened and asked, “Sorry for jumping
into the conversation, but I am curious what VP of Admin does.” CEO said that
VP Admin heads a bunch of functions such as HR, internal accounting and finance
and public relations. At this point, a VP jumped in to point out that Steve
won’t be able to handle public relations. Others agreed. So another VP proposed
that public relations could be separated from the VP Admin function and a new
VP of Environmental Affairs and PR can be created. Everybody was comfortable
with this idea and the issue was resolved. The point of this story is that
Schein’s humble enquiry on the role of VP Admin led to a workable solution.
Beware of content
seduction trap: Schein says, “The consultant must have empathy but
carefully avoid content seduction because, as an outsider, he will never have
the insider’s direct knowledge of what will and will not work in the client’s
culture”. Empathy is understanding the client’s situation while content
seduction is a feeling that I understand the client enough and can suggest a workable
solution. This looks at odds with the traditional consulting wisdom which says
that an expert consultant should be able to provide a workable solution to his
client. Schein cites several examples where he and other consultants conducted
several interviews with the client executives, formulated a problem and devised
a solution. When the solution was presented to the client, he either ignored it
or rejected it outright. If proposing a solution is not a good approach, what
does a humble consultant do? Well, Schein suggests using adaptive moves which
will help client diagnose the problem as well as see a solution.
Adaptive moves for
simultaneous diagnosis and intervention: To understand the philosophy behind an
adaptive move, it helps to understand following profound statement from
Schein: There are no “real” problems, only a set of worries. Here, Schein questions the existence
of problems as objective reality independent of client. According to him, a
problem exists only as a set of worries in clients’ mind. Perhaps the client
himself may be unaware of the real worry. A small step one can take in order
for the client to see his real worry is what Schein calls an adaptive move. Let’s
illustrate this using one of the examples Schein cites. He was trying to help a
bunch of smart engineers at DEC in strategy meetings. The engineers were
argumentative and would often interrupt each other and shoot down others’
ideas. Schein made several attempts to bring this unruly behaviour to their
notice which they acknowledged but continued to behave as before. At one point,
Schein got up, went to the flip chart board and started jotting down the ideas
that were being discussed. While writing down an idea, if a person got
interrupted, Schein would excuse the group and request the person to finish his
idea so that he could write it down on the flip chart. That made sure all the
ideas were captured and the group thanked Schein for being really helpful. It
was a small gesture, but it solved the real concern in the minds of the
engineers of losing out on ideas. What Schein originally thought to be the real
problem – unruly behaviour – was not a worry as far as the group of engineers
was concerned. Subsequently, other group members began to go to the flip chart
and learnt to do similar facilitation themselves.
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