During the past few days, I rewatched the Oscar winning movie
“A beautiful mind”
which is loosely based on the life story of Nobel Laureate John Nash1.
After doing his ground breaking research on Game Theory, Nash suffered from paranoid
schizophrenia for a quarter of a century (from 1959 to mid-80s). But what is unique
about Nash is that he has miraculously recovered from it and has continued to
do good research since then. During the process of remission, Nash also got
transformed from an arrogant and self-centred elitist to an engaged, lucid and “a
very fine person” as his wife Alicia puts it.
I got so fascinated by these two transitions – from genius to madness
and from madness back to a creative person that I read the biography of Nash also
called “A
beautiful mind” written by Sylvia Nasar. Subsequently, I watched the video
interviews of Nash on YouTube
and at the Nobel
website and also watched the PBS documentary “A brilliant madness”.
Here is my reflection on the evolution of a human mind in
three acts: creativity, madness and awakening2. I am taking a few
pictures from the movie to illustrate the transitions. In each stage, I will also
add a few titbits from the biography. Finally, I will connect this story to
each of us and make it a metaphor applicable in our lives. “(Movie)” is used to
indicate depiction in the film, while “(Real)” is used to present the story of
real Nash. All the references to real Nash stories are from Sylvia Nasar’s
(Real) As a graduate student in Princeton, Nash (Russel Crowe) attacked several difficult problems. Nash Equilibrium, a concept in game theory won him a Nobel 40 years later. Apart from that Nash also got good results in topology. He discussed his ideas with giants like Einstein, John von Neumann and other faculty members in his math department.
(Movie) Nash is playing a game with his friend and rival Hansen. (Real) While at Princeton, Nash also invented a game called Nash which became quite popular on the campus. After his PhD, Nash went to MIT as a faculty and produced very good results.
Act-2 (Madness):
(Movie) Nash meets his prodigal roommate Charles Herman (Bettany) in Princeton, a literature student. At MIT, he meets William Parcher (Harris) of US Dept of Defense and starts working for him to crack secret Russian codes transmitted through everyday newspapers / magazines.
Both Herman and Parcher are fictitious characters created
by Nash’s mind who become real for him at times.
(Real) In early 1959, Nash delivered lectures at Columbia and Yale on Riemann Hypothesis. Both talks were incoherent and gibberish. Audience realized that something was wrong. By April 1959, he was admitted to McLean Hospital near Boston. Later, he was also admitted to two other hospitals near Princeton.
(Movie, Real) In mental hospitals, Nash underwent treatments like insulin coma therapy.
(Movie) Nash doesn’t like the medicines. “Why can’t I
apply my mind to solve this problem?”, he asks his psychiatrist Dr. Rosen
(Plummer). “Because your mind is where the problem is in the first place!”,
Rosen tells him. This is the fundamental paradox of human madness – you can’t
use the mind to solve the problem created by the mind. Or at least, not in the
same old way, and not by the same old mind.
Act-3 (Awakening):
(Movie) Nash’s first moment of awakening happens when he
realizes that some of the characters he sees, especially Herman's niece Marcee (Cardone), don’t
grow old. Hence, he rationally concludes that they are not real. Nash is learning
to employ his mind to solve the problem of the mind – a breakthrough!
(Movie) Several years later, Nash requests his old friend
Hansen who is now a faculty at Princeton to give him an opportunity to teach. Hansen
asks him, “Are they (the fictitious characters) gone?” Nash tells him, “No, they
are not gone, may be they never will be… but I have gotten used to it now… And as
a result, they have, kind of, given up on me… That’s what happens with all our
dreams and nightmares. Got to keep feeding them to stay alive.”
story of the human mind:
Nash’s story is not unique. The three stages through
which his mind went through – creativity, madness and awakening - is also the story of the human mind. All of
us are creative when we are kids. As we grow old the voice in the head starts
commenting on our actions and the actions of people around us. Repetitive and
incessant stream of wasteful thinking leads to firm beliefs in ideas like “I am
useless”, “My boss is crack”, “It’s all her fault”, “Hinduism is good, Islam is
bad”, “I am better than him” etc. Separation between what is real and what is
imagined becomes blurry just like Nash.
When Nash was later asked, “How could you believe that extra-terrestrials
are sending you messages?” He said, “Because, the ideas I had about
supernatural beings came to me the same way that my mathematical ideas did. So
I took them seriously.” We are no different. Thoughts change our perception and
we don’t even know it.
Personally, I find Nash’s method of observing current
thoughts and discarding them if found wasteful as a powerful method. It is a
continuous process and needs alertness especially during slippery moments.
1. I
turned to the film after hearing spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle refer to this film during an interview with Oprah Winfrey.
2. Borrowed
from how Nash’s biographer Sylvia Nasar puts it in the book: This is the story
of John Forbes Nash, Jr. It is a story about the mystery of the human mind, in
three acts: genius, madness, reawakening.