How is “8 steps to innovation” framework different from
other frameworks? One way to answer this question is by articulating its unique
features which I did in an earlier
article. Another way is to understand the answer to the question: What are
the key axioms behind the framework? In this article, I would like to present 3
key axioms behind “8 steps to innovation” framework.
1. Innovativeness can be built like stamina: I
remember meeting a CEO of an old family-owned business house at its
headquarters in south Mumbai a couple of years ago. He mentioned two things
about his half-a-century old business which I found interesting. He said: (1)
These days our competition doesn’t even consider us a serious player and (2) We
want to become like Apple and we don’t have much time. I told him that I don’t
know how Apple innovates and I certainly don’t know any quick way to become
“like Apple”. My experience tells me that building innovativeness is similar to
building stamina. Long distance runners know that if you are a couch potato and
if you want to run a marathon, you need a long term commitment to disciplined
practice. No miracle can change your stamina overnight. For a long distance runner,
the progress may be measured more by the distance (5K, 10K, 20K etc) and the
timing of the run. Similarly, in “8 steps to innovation” framework we have
identified the two
dimensions of innovation maturity: creative confidence and incubation
effectiveness. And we show how progress may look like as the organization
goes from level-1
(Jugaad) to level-5 (Excellence). A typical transition from one level to
the next takes typically one to three years, far from the expectation of the CEO
I mentioned earlier.
2. Humans can’t predict the future: I
am now used to seeing the disappointment when a wannabe innovator hears my
response “I don’t know” to his question “Will my idea work?” The confidence in
our ability to predict long term success of an idea is a classic cognitive
illusion. It was true when Johannes Gutenberg was working on his printing press
in 1450. And it is true for your favourite e-commerce start-up in Bangalore
today. What does “8 steps to innovation” recommend then? Well, it emphasizes
identifying untested assumptions embedded in your idea and validating them at
low-cost and at high speed (step-4). And it also recommends protecting your
downside as much as possible by building a margin of safety (step-8). I have
elaborated this further in the article: “Is
8 steps to innovation predictive or non-predictive?”
3. Decisions happen through
intuition-reason inter-play: Legendary investor Warren Buffett
recounts how he made the decision to acquire the textile mill Berkshire
Hathaway during 1964-65 in his letter shareholders published earlier this year.
The decision was driven more by his emotion (he was mad at Berkshire’s CEO
Seabury Stanton) than reason. In Buffett’s own words, “It was a monumentally
stupid decision” The decision resulted in diverting $100 billion or so of
Buffet’s fund to a collection of strangers. Notwithstanding our belief, human
decisions are made by an inter-play of a strong a voice of intuition-cum-emotion
and a weak voice of reason. Whenever there is a fight between the two voices,
intuition led by emotion wins most of the time. This has significant
implications for everybody – including innovators and investors. How does “8
steps” address this? Well, we borrow the metaphor of Elephant-Rider
representing the voice of intuition and reason respectively from the book Switch
by Chip & Dan Heath. And then propose interventions which can align the
Elephant and the Rider to move in the same direction in order to become more
innovative systematically.
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