Primary objective of the
course was to look at scientific evaluation of Buddhist ideas such as the Four Noble Truths and
the concept of no-self
(Sunyata). In particular, it
explored following two questions: (1) Is Buddha’s diagnosis of human
predicament true? and; (2) Is Buddha’s prescription powerful and effective? It
didn’t delve into Buddhist ideas such as reincarnation that were not amenable
to scientific evaluation. While the course used various experimental results
from psychology as a reference point, it borrowed primarily from one branch of
psychology called evolutionary psychology.
The question that led Prof. Wright
to this course is: Is there a religion that is compatible with modern science?
I feel he made a good case for Buddhism through this course. However, I was
primarily interested in a much narrower question: Can I build spiritual stamina
systematically through a practice such as meditation? I was more interested in experiential
learning rather than intellectual understanding – perhaps in the same spirit
that Buddha advocated. Here are my 3 take-aways from the course including the as-of-now
answer I found to my question.

That makes sense from
“selfish gene’s” point of view. Its primary objective is to propagate itself
into the next generation. Hence, it is natural to strive to stand out from the
crowd or outsmart your competition. Hence, if you overestimate the threats from
competitors then that seems fine from natural selection’s point of view. Similarly,
if you overly worry over what you will say on your date, then that makes sense
too. It is not Natural Selection’s agenda that you see the world clearly.
Buddha made a claim that we
can counterprogram our brain to see the world more clearly. As a result, he
said, we will reduce and eventually eliminate the perpetual unsatisfactoriness
altogether. Moreover, he offered a systematic path to move towards to the goal.
That was a bold claim to make 2600 years ago. Hence, Prof. Wright called Buddha
a rebel against Natural Selection.
to impermanent things: Buddha says that the root cause of
perpetual unsatisfactoriness is our tendency to cling to impermanent things
(Second Noble Truth). Impermanence as a concept is not new to us. We know that
everything in nature – clouds, trees, animals, you and I as well as things we
make and own such as clothes, phone, car, money come and go. So what’s the big
deal here? Well, according to Buddha, the mistake we make is to cling to these
objects and make them a part of our “self”. As a result, whenever my car gets a
dent, I am hurt.
Buddha says that just observing
this clinging process is itself an important step in reducing the clinging. How
do we do it? The idea is to focus our attention inward on the objects in our
experience such as sense-perceptions, thoughts, emotions etc. as they arise and
pass away. For example, we can put attention on irritation as it arises and
subsides. When I did that on some occasions something strange happened. The intensity
of the emotion decreased. I found it easier to try this in simple situations
like waiting in grocery checkout counter or while stuck in the traffic jam etc.
You might say, these are really simple situations. Will this really work in
conflicts where we are deeply hurt ? Well, it depends upon whether your
spiritual muscle is sufficiently developed. That is where we turn to the systematic
practice Buddha recommended.
meditation: Prof. Wright interviewed four Buddhist monks / spiritual
teachers and three psychologists during the course. One of the spiritual
teachers Prof. Wright interviewed
is Joseph Goldstein.
Joseph has been practicing and teaching Mindfulness meditation (also called
Vipassana or insight meditation) for the past forty years and is a co-founder
of Insight Meditation Society. Accordingly
to him, Mindfulness involves three things: (1) living in the present moment (as
opposed to thinking of past and future) (2) presence of an awareness that
watches and; (3) presence of an open and compassionate filter through which
this observation happens (as opposed to aversion and greed). Note that this
definition does not include any particular sitting posture or a secluded
environment. As per this definition you could be meditating while in a meeting with
your boss. So why do we associate meditation with the image of sitting cross
legged with eyes closed?
Well, it is like practicing
in a laboratory environment where we have reduced the number of distractions to
the minimum. That makes it easy to get started. In fact, the silent retreats prohibit
phones, reading, TV and even talking. Sometimes
the sitting practice is considered analogous to a musician doing scales
practice. However, unless you are able to integrate this practice with
day-to-day activities, it does not take you very far. Are there any progress
indicators in meditation?
Joseph offers an interesting
progress indicator. He calls it Noticings Per Minute (NPM). How many things can
you notice arising and passing away in a minute? Apparently a novice notices
perhaps 10 or 15 things. But as you advance in your practice, your perception
is heightened, compulsive thinking has slowed down and your NPM goes way up
(perhaps several hundreds). For starters, I have begun to notice the dust on my
table J and
have begun cleaning it more regularly.

Sources: Photos: Buddha (from my wife Gauri), Prof. Wright (from his
class video), fMRI scan (from Dr. Brewer’s TED talk). Thanks to Gauri for
reviewing the post and useful suggestions.
Vinay - The popular description for innovative thinking is "thinking outside the box". As NPM increases through practice, there is more data, more input to thought increasing the possibility of a "different view" moving towards the samma-ditthi. Essentially I think that mindfulness meditation is a tool to become more innovative.
ReplyDeletePratap, It is quite possible that meditation makes you more creative. It is also possible that a wandering mind may perhaps be needed to connect dots which are far off in the memory. So it could be a balance of meditation and focused thinking. Need to investigate more.
DeleteInteresting read - as usual. :-) Now next best thing for you is to experience it - go for Vipassana - if you haven't done it already ! I have been to that course twice - and can vouch for it's usefullness - it may not necessarily give you the answers you are seeking though :-)
ReplyDeleteYes, Abhijit. I haven't been to Vipassana retreat yet. Hope to do it soon. I would be interested to understand whether you tried to integrate the principles from Vipassana into day-to-day activities.
DeleteArun Joshi is a family friend whom I call Joshikaka wrote following via email:
ReplyDeleteDear Vinay,
I read your blog and found it interesting. I wrote a comment on the same but when I pressed the publish button it seemed to have been in lost in cyberspace. Please investigate why this could have happened.
I am rewriting a few bullet points from memory of yesterday when I tried the above.
+ Your Vipassana session should help you to learn through experience aspects of anitya bhav (impermanence). I learnt it in a particular way but would like to share the same with you after your experience so as not to bias your mind to "expect" it.
+ One of things that would be drummed in to your ears is the fact that we should do Vipassana without any specific goals or expectations in mind and truly discover the joy of seeing oneself. To that extent, you need to modify your thoughts while entering. I was lucky when I went through Vipassana 15 years ago, within two weeks of leaving of my job of 29 years: I did not know much about the procedure and what would happen.
+ Spiritual upliftment happens and can be experienced by everyone when we think about others' happiness. You will learn that in Vipassana through the prayer that they have towards the end of the 10 day about well being of all around us.
+ I came back very happy from Vipassana and practised it at home for few months before getting bogged down in routine. I feel that although I practised only for a short time, Vipassana made a profound and lasting impact on the way I approached life and these are present to this date too.
+ We will have a long chat after you come back from Vipassana, perhaps during a meeting at Bangalore.
With best wishes,
Hi Vinay,
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this. I have deep faith in what you and Dr.right indicated. I feel that thoughts are the single largest contributor of our Dukkha. And I have experienced it by myself that through awareness it can be controlled. I wish and hope that that you write more about psychology and spirituality and help people to he happier.
Thanks for the encouragement, Vipul.